The town of Historic Harwich, home to Master of the Mayflower Christopher Jones, was recently featured in Anglotopia Magazine, the focus of an in-depth article on The Pilgrim Trail and our Mayflower 400 celebrations, written by Laura Porter:

Starting from Thanksgiving 2019, there are twelve months of commemorations taking place at landmark locations in the UK, Netherlands and the US. The 400th anniversary commemorates the legacy of the passengers and the crew who undertook the epic journey inspired by an unquenchable desire for freedom, and for whom the voyage promised newfound liberty. The Illuminate Light Festival formally opens and close the Harwich commemorations on 29 November 2019 and in November 2020. The home of Christopher Jones, Captain and part-owner of the Mayflower, will open to the public for the first time for 2020. And updated visitor trails, with Mayflower 400 markers on the pavements, will highlight the town’s Mayflower heritage. A new Mayflower 400 Visitor Centre will open in the grounds of St Nicholas Church with a dedicated exhibition exploring the town’s role in the Mayfower’s journey, including a range of artefacts that have never been publicly displayed before. And The Harwich Mayfower Festival, a new event in development specifcally for 2020, will see a range of Mayfower-themed events and activities take place across the town.


Read the article here