People of Harwich

Discover our notable inhabitants

Harwich town has been home to many notable inhabitants across the years

Christopher Newport


Seaman and privateer, captain of the expedition that founded Jamestown, Virginia

Christopher Jones


Captain of the 1620 voyage of the Pilgrim ship Mayflower

Richard Leake


Master-gunner of England, son of Richard Leake, born at Harwich

Samuel Pepys

1633 – 1703

Administrator of the navy of England and Member of Parliament who is most famous for the diary that he kept for a decade

William Shearman


Physician and medical writer who gave annual lectures on the theory and practice of medicine

James Francillon


Barrister and legal writer, who was appointed judge and magistrate for the Gloucestershire district

Captain Charles Fryatt


Mariner executed by the Germans, brought back from Belgium and buried at Dovercourt

Peter Firmin

born 1928

Artist and puppet maker responsible for creating a number of popular children’s TV programmes, including The Clangers and Bagpuss

Randolph Stow


Reclusive, award-winning Australian-born writer who made his home in Harwich

Discover Harwich